*成果発表 [#xd04233f]

**国際会議講演 [#bee4c04e]
--2019/4/10-12 High resolution gamma ray spectroscopy at RIBF
--2019/4/10-12 High resolution gamma ray spectroscopy at RIBF~
N. Imai (oral) "Single particle structure coupled to the second 0+ state in 32Mg"
--2019/4/24-26 Frontier Session of KPS meeting
--2019/4/24-26 Frontier Session of KPS meeting~
N. Imai (invited) "Controlling the motions of two kinds of fermions in a nucleus, a new energy degraded RI beam line OEDO"
--2019/7/2-5 The 15th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies~
N. Imai (oral) "Evaluation of the neutron
capture reaction on 79Se via a surrogate reaction of d(79Se, p) reaction at OEDO"

--2019/7/29-8/2 INPC2019 Glasgow~
M. Dozono~
N. Kitamura~
--2019/10/14-17 Fourth International Workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator-Driven Systems~
N. Imai~

--2018/10/22-26 , Fifth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and the
Physical Society of Japan (Hawaii2018)~
N. Imai (invited) "Surrogate reaction of $^{79}$Se(n,$\gamma$)"
M. Dozono (oral) "Nuclear reaction study for long-lived fission products in nuclear waste: 
Proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on $^{107}$Pd and $^{93}$Zr at $20-30$~MeV/u" ~
Noritaka Kitamura, Kathrin Wimmer, Peter Bender, Greg Hackman, Jack
Henderson, Nobuaki Imai~ 
``Characterization of a tritium target through elastic scattering measurements''~
R. Tsunoda (oral) "Proton resonance scattering of a shape-coexistence nucleus $^{118}$Sn,"~

--2018/9/18-20 A3 Foresight Asia symposium at Nagoya~
N. Imai (invited) "Experimental studies with the energy-degraded RI beams"

--2018/8/22-28  The 17th CNS International
Summer School (CNSSS18), August, 2018.~
Noritaka Kitamura, ``Characterization of a tritium target for
two-neutron transfer studies at TRIUMF''

--2018/6/4-8, Matsue, Shimane, Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams 2018 (DREB2018)~
N. Imai (oral) "79Se(d,p)80Se reaaction as a surrogate of (n,g)"~
P. Schrock(poster) "recoil particle detector array TiNA"~
M. Dozono (poster) "proton/deutetron induced reaction with 107Pd and 93Zr"
--2018/9 Northern East Asia Symposium, Nagoya~
N. Imai (invited) "Experimental studies with the energy-degraded RI beams"
--2018/10/23-28 APS-JPS Joint meting of nuclear physics Hawaii 2018~
N. Imai (invited) "79Se(d,p)80Se reaction as a surrogate reaction for (n,g) reaction of the long-lived fission product of 79Se"~   
M. Dozono " Nuclear reaction study for long-lived fission products in nuclear waste: Proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on 107Pd and 93Zr at 20 - 30 MeV/u"~
N. Kitamura "Characterization of a tritium target through elastic scattering measurements"~
R. Tsunoda "Proton resonance scattering of a shape-coexistence nucleus 118Sn"~

--2017/11/27-28, Zagreb, Croatia. The 6th ADAMAS Workshop~
O. Beliuskina (oral)
"The ultrafast dE-ToF single crystal diamond detector"
--2017/9/25-30, Ha-noi, Vitnam, The International Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei 2017~
P. Schrock (oral), "Shell structure at the border of the island of inversion: Spectroscopy of neutron-rich Al isotopes."
--2016/9/18-20 HIAS2016 Canberra, Austlaia, ~
N. Imai, "OEDO and proton resonance elastic scattering" (invited)
--2016/11/16-18 RISP-RNC RIB physics workshop, Daejeong, Korea~
N. Imai (invited)  "Physics program with low-energy RI beams",

**国内会議講演 [#b21468d0]
--日本物理学会第74回年次大会,2019年3月 九州大学~
北村徳隆,K. Wimmer,中性子ノックアウト反応による 30Mg のインビームガンマ線核分光~
北村徳隆,「長寿命 RI 標的開発の現状」~
--日本原子力学会 2019年春の年会 3月 茨城大学

--日本原子力学会 2018年秋季大会 9月 岡山大学~
--研究会「重力波観測時代のrプロセスと不安定核」、6月 理研~
堂園昌伯, 「r-process study with OEDO」

--Open-It 若手の会研究会,2018年9月~

--12月 RIBF Users group meeting~
2017/12/6, RIBF conference room~
N. Imai (Invited)
"Nuclear Data of LLFP and Future prospect of a  new energy degraded beam line OEDO"
--11月 2017年度核データ研究会 2017/11/16, 17
東海村産業・情報プラザ (アイヴィル)~
N. Imai(Invited) "OEDOを用いた低エネルギーLLFPの核反応データ取得"
--10月 CAGRA workshop 2017~
N. Imai (invited) "Energy-degraded beam line at RIBF, OEDO"~
O. Beliuskina "The ultrafast dE-ToF sc diamond detector"~
P. Schrock (invited) "Transfer Reactions with CAGRA at OEDO"
--9月 日本物理学会 宇都宮大学~
北村徳隆 「TRIUMF におけるトリチウム標的の評価」~
Jul. 31-Aug.2/2017 理研神戸・融合連携イノベーション推進棟~
N. Imai (Invited) "将来計画WG不安定核班第2期からの報告"
--ImPACT-OEDO workshop,
2017/7/13-14, RIBF conference room, Wako, Saitama, Japan.
N. Imai "surrogate reaction of $^{79}$Se(n,$\gamma$)$^{80}$Se "

--3月 日本物理学会 於大阪大学~
 Nobuaki Imai "Single particle structure studies with the transfer reaction and the resonance elastic reaction"
--9月 日本物理学会 於宮崎大学~
北村徳隆 「34Siの共鳴弾性散乱」
--3月 日本物理学会第71回年次大会 於 東北学院大学~
北村徳隆 「高スピンアイソマー178m2Hf標的開発のためのアイソマー生成及び純化手法の検討」~
山口勇貴 「DSPを用いた多重ガンマ線検出用Ge検出器アレイの為のデータ収集系の開発」
--3月 富山大水素同位体科学研究センター共同研究成果報告会 2016/3/1~
今井伸明, 「核物理実験用トリチウム標的の開発」 

**投稿論文 [#l0cc90d0]
--J.G.Cubiss, A.E.Barzakh, A.N.Andreyev, M.Al Monthery, N.Althubiti, B.Andel, S.Antalic, D.Atanasov, K.Blaum, T.E.Cocolios, T.Day Goodacre, R.P.de Groote, A.de Roubin, G.J.Farooq-Smith, D.V.Fedorov, V.N.Fedosseev, R.Ferrer, D.A.Fink, L.P.Gaffney, L.Ghys, A.Gredley, R.D.Harding, F.Herfurth, M.Huyse, N.Imai, D.T.Joss, U.Koster, S.Kreim, V.Liberati, D.Lunney, K.M.Lynch, V.Manea, B.A.Marsh, Y.Martinez Palenzuela, P.L.Molkanov, P.Mosat, D.Neidherr, G.G.O'Neill, R.D.Page, T.J.Procter, E.Rapisarda, M.Rosenbusch, S.Rothe, K.Sandhu, L.Schweikhard, M.D.Seliverstov, S.Sels, P.Spagnoletti, V.L.Truesdale, C.Van Beveren, P.Van Duppen, M.Veinhard, M.Venhart, M.Veselsky, F.Wearing, A.Welker, F.Wienholtz, R.N.Wolf, S.G.Zemlyanoy, K.Zuber &br;
Change in structure between the I=1/2 states in 181Tl and 177, 179Au
&br; Phys.Lett. B 786, 355 (2018)

-- J.G.Cubiss, A.E.Barzakh, M.D.Seliverstov, A.N.Andreyev, B.Andel, S.Antalic, P.Ascher, D.Atanasov, D.Beck, J.Bieron, K.Blaum, Ch.Borgmann, M.Breitenfeldt, L.Capponi, T.E.Cocolios, T.Day Goodacre, X.Derkx, H.De Witte, J.Elseviers, D.V.Fedorov, V.N.Fedosseev, S.Fritzsche, L.P.Gaffney, S.George, L.Ghys, F.P.Hessberger, M.Huyse, N.Imai, Z.Kalaninova, D.Kisler, U.Koster, M.Kowalska, S.Kreim, J.F.W.Lane, V.Liberati, D.Lunney, K.M.Lynch, V.Manea, B.A.Marsh, S.Mitsuoka, P.L.Molkanov, Y.Nagame, D.Neidherr, K.Nishio, S.Ota, D.Pauwels, L.Popescu, D.Radulov, E.Rapisarda, J.P.Revill, M.Rosenbusch, R.E.Rossel, S.Rothe, K.Sandhu, L.Schweikhard, S.Sels, V.L.Truesdale, C.Van Beveren, P.Van den Bergh, Y.Wakabayashi, P.Van Duppen, K.D.A.Wendt, F.Wienholtz, B.W.Whitmore, G.L.Wilson, R.N.Wolf, K.Zuber:
&br;Charge radii and electromagnetic moments of 195-211At~
Phys.Rev. C 97, 054327 (2018)

--N.Nakatsuka, H.Baba, T.Aumann, R.Avigo, S.R.Banerjee, A.Bracco, C.Caesar, F.Camera, S.Ceruti, S.Chen, V.Derya, P.Doornenbal, A.Giaz, A.Horvat, K.Ieki, T.Inakura, N.Imai, T.Kawabata, N.Kobayashi, Y.Kondo, S.Koyama, M.Kurata-Nishimura, S.Masuoka, M.Matsushita, S.Michimasa, B.Million, T.Motobayashi, T.Murakami, T.Nakamura, T.Ohnishi, H.J.Ong, S.Ota, H.Otsu, T.Ozaki, A.Saito, H.Sakurai, H.Scheit, F.Schindler, P.Schrock, Y.Shiga, M.Shikata, S.Shimoura, D.Steppenbeck, T.Sumikama, I.Syndikus, H.Takeda, S.Takeuchi, A.Tamii, R.Taniuchi, Y.Togano, J.Tscheuschner, J.Tsubota, H.Wang, O.Wieland, K.Wimmer, Y.Yamaguchi, K.Yoneda, J.Zenihiro&br;
Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich 20O
&br;Phys.Lett. B 768, 387 (2017).
--Yamaguchi, H., Kahl, D., Hayakawa, S., Sakaguchi, Y., Abe, K., Nakao, T., Suhara, T., Iwasa, N., Kim, A., Kim, D., Cha, S., Kwag, M., Lee, J., Lee, E., Chae, K., Wakabayashi, Y., Imai, N., Kitamura, N., Lee, P., Moon, J., Lee, K., Akers, C., Jung, H., Duy, N., Khiem, L. & Lee, C., Experimental investigation of a linear-chain structure in the nucleus 14C &br; Physics Letters B 766 (2017) 11. 
--O. Beliuskina, A.O. Strekalovsky, A.A. Aleksandrov, I.A. Aleksandrova,
H.M. Devaraja, C. Heinz, S. Heinz, S. Hofmann, S. Ilich, N. Imai, D.V.
Kamanin, M. Kis, G.N. Knyazheva, C. Kozhuharov, E.A. Kuznetsova, J.
Maurer, G.V. Mishinsky, M. Pomorski, Yu.V. Pyatkov, O.V. Strekalovsky,
M. Tr ̈ager and V.E. Zhuchko,
"Pulse-height defect in single-crystal CVD diamond detectors" &br;
Eur. Phys. J. A 53, 32 (2017).
--M.Klintefjord, K.Hadynska-Klek, A.Gorgen, C.Bauer, F.L.Bello Garrote, S.Bonig, B.Bounthong, A.Damyanova, J.-P.Delaroche, V.Fedosseev, D.A.Fink, F.Giacoppo, M.Girod, P.Hoff, N.Imai, W.Korten, A.-C.Larsen, J.Libert, R.Lutter, B.A.Marsh, P.L.Molkanov, H.Naidja, P.Napiorkowski, F.Nowacki, J.Pakarinen, E.Rapisarda, P.Reiter, T.Renstrom, S.Rothe, M.D.Seliverstov, B.Siebeck, S.Siem, J.Srebrny, T.Stora, P.Thole, T.G.Tornyi, G.M.Tveten, P.Van Duppen, M.J.Vermeulen, D.Voulot, N.Warr, F.Wenander, H.De Witte, M.Zielinska:&br;
"Structure of low-lying states in 140Sm studied by Coulomb excitation" &br;
Phys.Rev. C 93, 054303 (2016).
--D.A. Fink, T.E. Cocolios, A.N. Andreyev, S. Antalic, A.E. Bazarkh, B. Bastin, D.V. Fedorov, V.N. Fedosseev, K.T. Flanagan, L.Ghys, A. Gottberg, M. Huyse, N. Imai, T. Kron, N. Lecesne, K. M. Lynch, B.A. Marsh, D. Pauwels, E. Rapisarda, S.D. Richter, R.E. Rossel, S. Rothe, M.D. Seliverstov, A.M. Sjordin, C.Van Beveren, P. Van Duppen, K.D.A. Wendt: &br;
“In-Source Laser Spectroscopy with the Laser Ion Source and Trap: First Direct Study of the Ground-State Properties of 217,219Po” &br;
Phys. Rev. X5, 011018 (2015).
--A. Matta, D. Beaumel, H. Otsu, V. Lapoux, N.K. Timofeyuk, N. Aoi, N. Assie, H. Baba, S. Boissinot, R.J. Chen, F. Delaunay, N. de Sereville, S. Franchoo, P. Gangnant, J. Gibelin, F. Hammache, Ch. Houarner, N. Imai, N. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, Y. Kondo, Y. Kawada, L.H. Khiem, M. Kurata-Nishimura, E.A. Kuzmin, J. Lee, J.F. Libin, T. Motobayashi, T. Nakamura, L. Nalpas, E.Yu. Nikoslkii, A. Obertelli, E.C. Pollacco, E. Rindel, Ph. Rosier, F. Saillant, T. Sako, H. Sakurai, A.M. Sanchez-Benitez, J-A. Scarpaci, I. Stefan, D. Suuki, K. Takahashi, M. Takechi, H. Wang, R. Wolski, and K. Yoneda:&br;
“New findings on structure and production of 10He from 11Li with the (d, 3He) reaction”&br;
Phys.Rev. C 92, 041302 (2015), Pub.Note Phys.Rev. C 92, 044903 (2015)
--Y.X. Watanabe, Y. H. Kim, S.C. Jeong, Y. Hirayama, N. Imai, H. Ishiyama, H.S. Jung, H. Miyatake, S. Choi, J.S. Song, E. Clement, G. de France, A. Navin, M. Rejmund, C. Shmitt, G. Pollarolo, L. Corradi, E. Fioretto, D. Montanari, M. Niikura,, D. Suzuki, H. Nishibata, J. Takatsu &br;
“Pathway for the Production of Neutron-Rich Isotopes around the N=126 Shell Closure”&br;
Phys.Rev.Lett. 115, 172503 (2015).

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