OEDO Wiki のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

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[[OEDO-SHARAQ International Collaboration Workshop>http://www.cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/oedo/ws15/]] ~
will be held at Sep.8-9th 2015 at Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) in RIKEN Wako campus.
''Welcome to OEDO wiki page.''
'' News ''
-2019/April/26 An article entitled [["OEDO, the energy-degrading beamline at RI Beam Factory" was published>https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article/2019/4/043D01/5480512?searchresult=1]].
-2019/April/26 An article entitled "[[Angle-tunable wedge degrader for an energy-degrading RI beamline>https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article/2019/4/043D02/5480510?searchresult=1]]" was published.
-2018/Dec./24th NP1812-SHARAQ12R1 "Single-particle states in fp-shell nuclei" (spokesperson: K. Wimmer (Univ. of Tokyo)) was approved with grade A in the 19th NP-PAC of RIBF.
-2017/July/31 ''Information for NP-PAC will be uploaded.''
-2017/June/15-21 OEDO commissioning is done.
-2017/March RF deflector is installed.

Contact: Prof. N.Imai (n.imai_at_cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)