No Matches
How to collaborate with us

All the CRIB experiments should be performed in collaboration with the CRIB/Nuclear Astrophysics Group at CNS, the University of Tokyo. Please contact the spokesperson of the CRIB collaboration, Hidetoshi Yamaguchi, and become a member of the collaboration, if you are interested in using the RI beams at CRIB. Our basic policy is to welcome anyone who is interested in CRIB. Note that the operation of CNS apparatues (especially CRIB and Hyper ECR) are under the responsibility of the CRIB collaboration, not of RIKEN.

What you need to do?

The basic concept is that we will perform experiments together in a good cooperation, not simply as a host and a guest. There are some requests from us as below, but we expect they are not a heavy burden for you, and most of them should be done with a help of the CRIB group members:

  • Write a proposal.
  • Gather collaborators needed for the experiment.
  • Make efforts to share information among collaborators (send e-mails, arrange meetings, make a shift table etc.).
  • Prepare and submit necessary documents (such as registration documents, the accelerator use plannning sheet and the end report; see also other pages).
  • Optimize the secondary beam production parameters, discussing with CRIB members.
  • Be aware of the preparation status of all the apparatuses at CRIB.
  • Perform measurements, do cleaning up.
  • Write articles for CNS annual report and RIKEN's accelertor report.

-(New rule since Apr. 2015) The spokesperson must take care of uploading the experimental data file and scanned image of the logbooks to RIKEN's server after the experiment.

Application for collaboration

(Note in 2023: this is not done recently, unless we need a written form for the collaboration.)

Here is the form for collaboration (for Apr. 2015-Mar. 2016):

This should be submitted by March, when you will perform experiments in the next fiscal year (Apr-Mar).


Please be aware that publication is very important for the future of CRIB, and we would strongly encourage and help to write a paper after experiments.

On publication of papers,

  • We request to include all the members of the CRIB group, and persons who considerably contributed to the experiment by some means.
  • For original, peer-reviewed papers in journals:

A draft should be distributed to all the collaborators prior to submission to get an agreement by the collaborators. After the paper is published, the reference information should be sent to all.

  • For proceeding papers, and non-refereed publications:

The draft is not necessary to be distributed to collaborators prior to submission, but the reference information should be sent al least to Yamaguchi after the publication.