The new scheme to have a beamtime at CRIB for 2012-2014

[This is an inofficial document personally made by H. Yamaguchi.]

  • There will be no call for the CRIB experiment at NP-PAC of RIBF for 2 years or more. A user who wants to propose an experiment at CRIB should follow the procedure below.
  1. Contact to Yamaguchi (yamag.nosp@m.@cns.nosp@m..s.u-.nosp@m.toky.nosp@m.o.ac..nosp@m.jp), and notify your intention. The user make a proposal and submit it to CNS. Please use cover pages here: (MS Word, PDF).
  2. The proposal is free-format, but should contain the following:
    • Motivation (physical importance)
    • Experimental setup
    • Parameters of primary and secondary beams
    • Estimation of beam time to request
    • Readiness (developments needed)
  3. CNS members judge the importance and feasibility of the experiment. The monpower, and publishablity (how likely it can be published) are also considered. If approved, it proceeds to the next step.
  4. The CNS director make a beamtime request to Nishina Center. (Total beamtime for CRIB is Approx. <20 days / half year.) This must be approved at a CNS-RIKEN meeting.
  5. The proposal is sent to the NP-PAC, and discussed in the PAC meeting. This is only to obtain advices, and PAC does not judge anything. The content of the proposal is possibly explained by the director or some other person in CNS. We may ask you to prepare a presentation file with a few pages of slides.
  6. Submit a planning sheet (AUPS) just in the same way as other PAC-approved experiments (see below). The call is made twice a year, usually in winter (Jan.-Feb.) and summer (Jul.-Aug). The "spokesperson" in the form should be a proposer of the experiment, together with a CNS member (Yamaguchi).

The spokesperson must be registered as a worker in the radiation-controlled area (see other pages also).