
**RIPS(Riken Projectile Fragment Separator) [#w63e68f6]

**GRAPE [#t16167e8]

**Silicon telescope [#ab415500]
|#ref(./DSSD.jpg,40%) |逆運動学弾性散乱等では、標的から出てくる反跳陽子のエネルギーを高エネルギー分解能で測定する必要がある。また、同時に散乱角度によるエネルギー広がりを抑制するために、散乱位置を測定できるようにしなければならない。そのために、我々は、通常のシリコン半導体検出器の電極を分割し、位置を測定するようした両面ストリップ型シリコン検出器(DSSD, 左写真参照)を用いている。|

**Ultra thin CVD Diamond detector [#f0f8cd80]
|#ref(./CVD_3D.jpg,10%)|Diamond detectors benefit from many unique properties: good energy resolution, comparable to silicon detectors (∆E=20keV for alphas), time resolution on the order of few tens of ps due to very high electron and hole mobilities, high count rate (up to 109) due to very short rise and fall times (∼20ps), and high radiation hardness. This combination of properties makes diamonds excellent candidates for the particle identification. Very recently, it became possible to fabricate ultra-thin diamond membranes (membrane is a single crystal detector of only a few micrometers thickness) that are able to measure energy loss and simultaneously produce time signals with excellent resolution. We are aim to develop a unique ultra-thin and ultra-fast dE-E-ToF diamond telescope for Z and A particle identification in heavy low-energy applications. Additionally, we would like to enrich the knowledge of stopping power by studying the energy losses in diamond material, and to extend the experimental data on pulse height defects in semiconductor detectors.|

**TiD(TiT) [#p7e27bf9]

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