
Mapping of a New Deformation Region around $^{62}$Ti

We perform the first direct mass measurements of neutron-rich titanium isotopes around neutron number $40$ at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory by using the time-of-flight magnetic-rigidity technique. The atomic mass excesses of measured nuclei suggest emergence of the Jahn-Teller stabilization around $^{62}$Ti.

OEDO, the energy-degrading beamline at RI Beam Factory

We constructed the Optimized Energy Degrading Optics (OEDO) beamline is an upgrade of the High-resolution beamline at the RI Beam Factory at RIKEN.

Magic Nature of Neutrons in $^{54}$Ca: First Mass Measurements of $^{55-57}$Ca

We perform the first direct mass measurements of neutron-rich calcium isotopes beyond neutron number $34$ at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory by using the time-of-flight magnetic-rigidity technique. The atomic mass excesses of $^{55–57}$Ca are determined for the first time.

Quadrupole collectivity in island-of-inversion nuclei $^{28,30}$Ne and $^{34,36}$Mg

The quadrupole collectivity of neutron-rich even-even neon and magnesium nuclei around $N=20$, $^{28,30}$Ne, and $^{34,36}$Mg, was studied via proton inelastic scattering on a liquid hydrogen target by in-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy in inverse kinematics.