CNS RI beam separator — CRIB is maintained and operated by the
Nuclear Astrophysics Group at the Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo.
CRIB is a unique place, producing low-energy and high-intensity radioactive ion (RI) beams by direct reactions; one could hardly find a similar apparatus in the whole world. Besides the machinery itself, CRIB researchers operate in close-knit collaboration, and we are always excited to do physics with new people.
CRIB is not a standard “User Facility” where experimentalists can merely show up and begin taking data. However, it’s one of the only laboratories where even visiting graduate students can directly partake in making RI beams and experienced researchers can fundamentally design their own experiments from top to bottom. Furthermore, owing to the lower electrical operation costs (compared to other RI facilities) and the fact that we can run in parallel with RIBF (also located at the RIKEN Nishina Center), an experimental proposal which is both feasible and well-motivated for CRIB would have few obstacles for approval.
We have a number of standard beam-line detectors (PPACs and MCPs), silicon detectors from 20 μm to 1.5 mm, an active target system, sodium iodide detectors, several small ionization chambers, as well as a variety of gas targets and experimental scattering chamber setups all available. Yet, some experiments are more suited to specialized detector systems or equipment lacking in our inventory, and a number of experiments have been performed with collaborators providing anything from a single additional detector to entire arrays shipped overseas. While our research profile is diverse (and we are always welcoming towards new and novel ideas), CRIB research at present has been especially successful in the following areas:
1. Direct/indirect measurements of important reactions in nuclear astrophysics.
Using the low-energy, low-mass and proton-rich beams at CRIB,
a systematic study has been made for the nucleosynthesis of proton-rich region.
We aim to understand the nucleosynthesis in a high-temperature phenomena
such as supernovae, and production of p-nuclei.
2. Studying nuclear resonance structure by resonant scattering method.
We are interested in studying
exotic nucluar structure, such as proton halo and alpha cluster.
We use a special method to observe nuclear resonances to derive
information on the nuclear structure.
[CRIB Information]
Nov. 2022.11 Our paper on the open quantum system studied by break-up reaction of 8B halo nucleus has been published: (L. Yang et al., Nature Communications)