First Circular for the 4th international conference on “Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions” (COMEX4).
October 22 (Mon) -26 (Fri), 2012 Shonan Village Center, Hayama (Kanagawa), Japan
We are pleased to announce that the COMEX4 conference will be held October 22-26, 2012 at Shonan Village Center, in Kanagawa, Japan. The Conference place is located about 60 km southwest of Tokyo with nice scenery of Mt. Fuji across a blue bay. This Shonan area is famous as a resort place. The conference will be hosted by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), the University of Tokyo and the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University and supported by RIKEN.
The COMEX conferences are a continuation of the long series of topical conferences on Giant Resonances, started in 1979. Following the previous COMEX conferences, COMEX1, held in Paris, France in 2003, COMEX2, held in Sankt Goar, Germany in 2006 and COMEX3, held on Mackinac Island, Michigan in 2009, the scope of COMEX4 includes the related topics of collective excitations in stable and unstable nuclei. Decay studies from highly excited states, cluster and exotic shapes of nuclei, and applications in astrophysics are also the scope of this conference.
In addition, as a part of innovation, we plan a one-day Lecture Course (full day of October 22) at RIKEN, Saitama, Japan, prior to the main conference, in which basic ideas of some of the major subjects will be overviewed for the better understanding of topical discussions in the conference.
The members of the international advisory committee
Details about the timeline, abstract submission and travel and lodging will be provided in the second circular. Such details and other information pertinent to the conference will also be posted on the COMEX4 conference web page.
For questions, please email .
Please forward this circular to any of your collaborators whom you think might be interested in attending COMEX4.
We hope to see you at COMEX4.
The co-chair of the COMEX 4 Local organizers:
Local organizing committee members: