Second Circular for the 4th international conference on “Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions” (COMEX4).
October 22 (Mon), 2012: One-day Lecture Course at RIKEN, Wako (Saitama), Japan
October 23 (Tue) -26 (Fri), 2012: Scientific Session at Shonan Village Center, Hayama (Kanagawa), Japan
The COMEX4 conference will be held for the period October 22-26, 2012 at RIKEN and Shonan Village Center. The conference is hosted by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), the University of Tokyo and the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University and supported by RIKEN.
The conference COMEX4 consists of two major parts, i.e., one day lecture course held at RIKEN and the main conference held at Shonan Village Center.
The planned schedule is as follows:
Oct. 22, Morning and Afternoon:
Lecture courses by Prof. I. Hamamoto (Lund & RIKEN) and Prof. M.N. Harakeh (KVI).
Oct. 22, Late Afternoon: Tour to the experimental facility RIBF, RIKEN.
Note: the registration desk for this tour will open at RIKEN on Oct. 22.
Oct. 22, Early Evening: a bus transportation to Shonan Village with a gorgeous night view of Tokyo bay area.
Oct. 23, Morning - Oct. 26, Early Afternoon: Scientific sessions.
The COMEX conferences are a continuation of the long series of topical conferences on Giant Resonances, started in 1979. Following the previous COMEX conferences, COMEX1, held in Paris, France in 2003, COMEX2, held in Sankt Goar, Germany in 2006 and COMEX3, held on Mackinac Island, Michigan in 2009, the scope of COMEX4 includes the related topics of collective excitations in stable and unstable nuclei.
Some of the main topics are:
Invited Speakers (in no particular order)
In addition to the invited talks, oral contributions will be selected from the submitted abstracts and a poster session will also be organized as part of the conference. All participants interested in presenting a contribution are asked to submit an abstract from the webpage at the link "abstract submission". The dead line for the abstract submission is July 20, 2012.
The conference will be held at Shonan Village Center in Kanagawa, Japan. It is located about 60-km southwest of Tokyo with nice scenery of Mt. Fuji across a blue bay. This Shonan area is famous as a resort place.
Details about travel to and from the Shonan Village Center can be found on the conference website, under "Travel". Information about nearby airports and transportation options are provided. In addition, we will organize the bus transportation from RIKEN after the lectures given on Oct. 22.
Shonan Village Center is the conference location as well as the conference hotel. We have negotiated special hotel rates for the conference and details about the booking can be found at the link "Accommodations", which is available on Aug. 1. The deadline of the hotel booking is Aug. 31.
After that the availability of rooms at Shonan Village Cneter is nolonger guaranteed.
Participants will be requested to register via the COMEX4 registration website, under "Registraton".
The conference fee is 30,000 JPY (10,000 JPY for Students). The fee includes the lunches.
The co-chair of the COMEX 4 Local organizers:
Local organizing committee members: