Center for Nuclear Study

The University of Tokyo

Research Exchange

Posted on 23 Aug, 2019

CNS has an agreement of cooperatative research with RIKEN Nishina Center which is one of the largest heavy ion accelerator facility in the world. We have installed some experimental equipments in RIKEN and are operating them. One of the group in CNS participates in the collboration of heavy ion collision at CERN. We are also promoting collaborative resarch with domestic and international research insititutes.

Some of the counter institutes are shown below, indicating the CNS plays as role of a hub of the heavy ion phyics.

International Institute


Institute Institute Institute Institute
CERN Unicersity of Heidelberg GANIL INFN (Legnaro)
INFN (Catania) University of Groningen University of Jyvaskyla University of Edinburg
ETF Zurich Hungarian Nuclear Reseach Institute


Institute Institute Institute Institute
Beijing Atomic Energy Science Institute Beijing Airborne Astronaut University Lanzhou Modern Physics Laboratory Korea IBS
Seoul National University Korean Central University Ifa Women's University Sungkyunkwan University
Vietnam Institute of Science and Technology Physics Laboratory

North America

Institute Institute Institute Institute
Brookhaven National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Michigan State University
McMaster University University of Notre Dame TRIUMF University of Sao Paulo

** Domestic Institute **

Institute Institute Institute Institute
RIKEN JAEA KEK University of Tsukuba
National Astronomical Observatory Saitama Univerisity Hosei University Yamagata University
Tokyo Inst. Tech. Kyoto Univ. Nagasaki Univ. Coll. of Tech. Waseda University
Kyushu Univ. NIRS Tohoku Univ. Hiroshima Univ.
Osaka Univ. Univ. of Toyama