RIBF has several spectrometers that analyze the momentum of the RI beams and the CNS main device SHARAQ spectrometer, completed in 2009, features its high resolution (momentum resolution: 1/15000). By using it in combination with a high resolution beamline, a high resolution mass defect spectrum can be obtained. High precision spectroscopy of tetra-neutron state etc. are carried out. In order to broaden the range of the possible experiment, we started the OEDO project to lower the energy without degrading the quality of the RI beam. The construction was completed in March 2017.
For some types of experiments the beam energies available at RIBF are too high. We have therefore constructed a decelerator system called OEDO. This combines the deceleration through energy loss with an RF electric field to refocus the beam. This approach provides beams which are not available elsewhere in the world as demonstrated by the figure below which shows the mass and energy at RI beam facilities (comment kathrin: this figure is shown a lot, but it is very wrong, it combines facility names, separators, spectrometers, all in one, and even facilities which do not exist anymore since many many years (almost 30!!!). In addition the ANL facility is spelled CARIBU). One of the goals is to measure the transmutation probabilities of long-lived fission fragments (LLFP) through nuclear reactions. This is important for nuclear waste treatment. LLFP with very long half-lives, around 100,000 years, could potentially be converted into stable nuclei. Therefore nuclear reactions could be a promising candidate for nuclear waste transmutation.
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