Dec16-18: The 20th Program Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting for Nuclear-Physics Experiments at RI Beam Factory
December issue of JPS Membership Journal has article on research on new magic nature of nucleon number 34. The experiment was carried out at SHARAQ facility at CNS.
A paper on “Underlying Structure of Collective Bands and Self-Organization in Quantum Systems” was accepted to Physical Review Letters!
Dr. Hiroki Nagahama is selected as a Takuetsu researcher 2019 of UT (The University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researcher)
Dr. Javier Menéndez receives Zdzisław Szymański Prize
Dr. Javier Menéndez from the Center for Nuclear Study* received Zdzisław Szymański Prize for the year 2019.
(Excerpt from Univ. Warsaw web page)
The Prize has been awarded to the Laureate “for outstanding contributions to theoretical studies of nuclear structure, in particular for profound insights relevant to the search for neutrino-less double beta decay and the detection of dark matter.“
According to the Prize Regulations, the Prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the Laureate and of a honorarium for the lecture delivered by the Laureate.
This Prize is awarded every second year to one individual for outstanding accomplishments in the area of theoretical or experimental studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. The Prize is awarded by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University, based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee (chair = Prof. Marek Pfützner) of the Prize.
(*) present affiliation: Univ. Barcelona
The award ceremony was held in a session of the 36th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics in Poland on Sep. 7.
Exhibision and lectures in Open campus of Faculty of Science on 8/7-8
Students of Chikushi-gaoka High School in Fukuoka visited CNS.