Call for a Professor
A Professor post is open for call at the CNS as below. We await your recommendations and applications.
Post: One Professor
Field of research: Experimental nuclear physics
- The applicant is expected to posess an extraordinary accomplishments and be able to actively take leadership in reaserches including heavy-ion experiments and radiation measurements.
Start of work: Early H24.
Necessary documents: (1) Curriculum Vitae,(2) Curriculum of research, (3) Ambition for research, (4) List of publications, (5) Copies of 3 significant publications and (6) 2 letters of intent all in independent A4 size papers. We will not return the submitted documents.
Due: Friday Jan. 13, 2012 (No delay permitted)
- Send to
Director of CNS, Takaharu Otsuka
Center for Nuclear Study, School of Science, University of Tokyo,
3-1, 7-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 113-0033
Print "JOB APPLICATION" in red and bring by hand or mail (registered mail).
- Inquiries:
Takaharu Otsuka
TEL: 03-3812-7886
e-mail: otsuka-at-phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
◎The School of Science supports the gender equality policies. See below for details
The 10th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS11)
2011/9/26-2011/10/1, Nishina Hall, RIKEN
(Web Site)
The 10th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS11)
2011/9/26-2011/10/1, Nishina Hall, RIKEN
(Web Site)
gamma11 symposium (Web Site)
2011/6/30-2011/7/2, RIBF conference room, RIKEN
The “Review Meeting on CRIB Activities” has been held.
A facility tour will be held at the CNS Wako campus for prospective graduate students. See for details.
Location of tour: RIKEN RI Beam Factory, University of Tokyo CNS Wako Campus
Date of tour: June 17, 2011, 15:00
Final call to apply for an associate professor or a lecturer post (no delay permitted).
Guidance for prospective graduate students(See here for details)
Location: Room 1220, Hongo Campus Bldg. 4, University of Tokyo
Date: Friday May 13, 14:45~16:15
Open day 2011
4/23 9:30-16:30 We would like to thank everyone who came to the CNS open day 2011. (Web Site)
For students who want to join the CNS
The CNS research groups study the field of hadronic many-body systems from nuclei to quarks. Thanks to the development of accelerator technologies at our collaborators RIKEN RIBF and BNL RHIC, we are now ready to look into regions previously unobserved.
The CNS consists of 8 staffs (2 professors, 1 associate professor, 1 lecturer, 4 assistant professors) and a number of graduate students, and conduct world-leading studies at these major accelerator facilities.
Guidance for prospective graduate students
We will be holding a guidance for prospective students. Please feel free to join.
- Date: Friday, May 13, 2011, 14:45-
- Location: Room 1220, Hongo Campus Science Bldg. 4, University of Tokyo